What are the top five DSLR cameras of all time regardless of spec/pixels?

Here is my top 5.
5) Nikon D2x (This machine was Years ahead of its time)
4) Canon 450d (This camera was the best entry model DSLR for its time)
3) Canon 5d MK 2 (Superb full frame camera image quality the best of the best)
2) Nikon D90 (World first DSLR with movie mode and all the controls fall straight into your hands)
1) Nikon D40 (What a little gem this camera is so easy to use and no bits of "Fluff" on the camera that you don't need)

Hasselblad H4D Series for setting industry standards.
Mamiya 645DF Series for the best software too.
Leica S2 Series for using the greatest glass available ever.
Pentax 645D for sentimental reasons.
Kodak DCS (100) or being the first commercially available dSLR in 1991.

Nice list. I Love the Nikon D40.

1. Canon 1D-X
2. Nikon D3s
3. Canon 1D mark IV
4. Nikon D4
5. Canon 5D mark III

"Of all time"? Do us a favour - they've only been around a few years so there's only a few dozen to choose between!
How about opening it up a bit to best SLRs (both film and digital) or best cameras ever?

I agree with Keerok. The tops in performance are probably the Leica and the Hasselblad.
By noting various attributes against all your cameras you acknowledge that there can't ever be a single choice, or even a meaningful top 10 list.

1) Hasselblad 503CW with CFV 50 back - classic V-series Hasselblad with Zeiss lenses, but digital
2) Mamiya RB/RZ67 (and Fuji GX680) and a drum scanner - okay cheating, however it's only due to a lack of 6x7/6x8 that these dedicated studio workhorses are denied digital status, thus deserve their status amongst the best.
3) Canon 1Ds series - for years the only dedicated full frame camera. Has amazing autofocus too.
4) Canon 5D - the original 12 megapixel version, which brought full frame photography to the masses. Still competitive today.
5) Nikon D3/D4 - they deserve this one, after many years behind Canon in the full frame game, they've finally put one over Canon, and look like they're here to stay.