Should I trade my Nikon D7200 for a D800?

My dad is upgrading his camera from a Nikon D800. He wants to give me his D800 but wants my D7200 in trade so it doesn't look too much like he is playing favorites with my siblings. I would love a full format camera but its 7 years old compared to my 4 year old D7200. Given how fast technology moves is this trade really that good or am I better off holding onto my D7200 until I can afford to upgrade to a new full format (probably years away? Both cameras are in good condition and switching lens (DX to FX) isn't a concern.

Why are you even asking? Jump in with both feet.

Why don't you just use the D800 and see for yourself. The answer to question is, in part, subjective. The D800 is 36MP vs only 24MP on the D7200. Is that important to you? Is full-frame right for you?
When comparing the noise level of these two cameras, you'd think that a 36MP camera would have more noise than a 24MP camera. But this is not the case since the larger sensor on the D800 allows for more pixels while still being a little bit better in low light than the D7200 with the smaller sensor. Regarding ISO performance, they are very close to each other, so not a huge advantage by going with the D800:
There are other differences in the two cameras as can be seen here:
I'd personally go with the D800 regardless just to get into full frame.

If you shoot a lot of sports, wildlife or macro, then keep the D7200. Otherwise, go for the D800.