Should i upgrade my d5100 nikon to the d7200?

Had d5100 3 years. Own kits 18-55mm & 55-300mm also a 35mm. Want to stay with Dx format but want better AF as i feel current AF is not good or maybe it lenses? Or should i just go another year and wait out the d7300 and keep using what i got for now?

What issues are you having with the AF on the D5100?
How are you using the auto focus? I like to only use the center focus point on my D7000 and D40. I focus on the desired portion of my scene by depressing the shutter release halfway to lock focus, recompose, then press the shutter release all the way. This way I control what will be in focus. Of course, I mainly shoot static subjects. Zillions of focus points is probably handy if you are shooting sports type of events so you can use tracking. When letting the camera choose the focus point, it usually focused on the wrong object.
The lenses you are using are sub-par for the pixel density of your sensor. If you use quality lenses, you will notice an improvement in sharpness of your images. Getting a D7200 with your current lenses will only make your images look fuzzier if you pixel peek (looking at the image at 100% magnification on your computer). Borrowing a good lens will be an eye opener.

That's a big jump. Jumping from a d5100 to a d7200 will be a big leap. Not only the AF will be better, but you will have a ton of new features. If you have the money and really committed on staying in a DX format. Go for it. If you are not aware, there's a new flagship DX camera that Nikon just released. The D500.
I would also like to address your first two lenses 18-55 and 55-300. Assuming they are VR, both of these lenses have a pretty slow AF motor. So it the problem is that the camera is not focusing fast enough, it might the lens. If the camera is hunting, then its the body.

Keep using what you have now. With what you're planning, the only upgrade you'll truly feel is the sudden availability of more lens options. If that is enough for you, wait for the D7300. If you want a better shooting experience, go for the D500.