Nikon SLR Cameras

Low Light shots with the Nikon D200?


I have the Nikon D200 and am a proud owner! Unfortunately I have trouble with low light shots! There appears to be a lot of noise when I take pictures. They don't come out too clear. What settings do you suggest I do? Next weekend my friend asked to take pictures for his friends band.


You're in a cleft stick - upping your ISO gives you a fast enough shutter speed to hand-hold your camera, but at the expense of noise, but reducing your ISO introduces camera shake.

There are no magic settings.


I too have a D200 which I use as a backup camera

There's a difference between images coming out "clear" (in focus and with no blur caused by camera movement during exposures) and noisy which is the result of shooting at high ISO settings.

If it is the noise that is bothering you, there's not much you can do with the camera itself, but make sure you have the NR features turned on.

What I do, when needing to shoot at 3200 ISO, is to shoot in RAW and then while processing all the RAW files in Adobe Lightroom, is to increase the luminosity up to 75% and then process all the images with that setting.

When I bought my first D300, I was amazed at how little noise I got under the same conditions when compared to the D200

Here is a sample shot using the D300 at 3200 ISO

As you can see, none of the noise in the shadow area associated with shooting at 3200 ISO with the D200 is evident.

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