Nikon SLR Cameras

How much should I be paying for this used dslr camera?


I may possibly be buying a camera from some family friends. It is a nikon d100 and they bought it in 2004. A lens is not included, they are keeping the one that they have to put on their new camera, but they are including an attatchable flash, not sure what kind or the quality of it. There are no problems with it, they just want a new camera. They haven't named a price yet and I'm trying to get a feel for what they might be asking. Any ideas from experienced camera users?


Seems 200-250$ seems to be a reasonable price for just the body in great condition based on this:

Look for the flash price separately to get an idea of a fair price for the total package or just get the camera without the flash if you don't need it.


6MP dSLRs today should cost about US$250 secondhand.