Nikon SLR Cameras

HOW MUCH should I sell my used camera for?


I want to sell my Nikon Cool Pix S3100.It has a few small scratches on it but
it still works perfectly fine. Also selling a 4GB SD card and a cute hard case cover
with it. I'm selling it on a local selling page so don't need to worry about postage.
I bought the camera alone for about $140 about a year ago

How much should i sell it for? I was thinking $65 is that too low or too high?


$65 seems okay. New they're about $85. I'm not sure if you'd get that much at a resale store. The problem with electronics, like cars, houses and any other pricey item, is that the moment you purchase them, the value goes down. Additionally, newer, "better" versions are always appearing. Good luck and I hope you get a good amount for it.


$50-$80 is okay so your in the clear


I think $50 is a fair price. You can buy the same camera for new for under $90 now, so I don't think you will be able to find anyone willing to pay $65. You will definitely make more money selling it then you will trading it back to an electronics store, Amazon, or Walmart, who are offering a petty $13 with all original cables, software, and cords.


It depends on where you sell it. If you were selling it on craigslist or at a garage sale, you could make it 65 because your customers will haggle downwards. If you were to sell it on ebay, you could go for 50 or so. Search up prices, and if everyone else sells theirs at like 70, then sell yours at 70 too.

I usually look up prices, and then sell it 5 dollars less. This increases your chances of selling it, and you only lose a small amount.


They have been going on eBay new for as low as $50, so you may want to rethink your asking price.

Here is a link to completed listings on eBay and what they sold for. Both new and used are mixed in together so you may have to look at the auction details for the used ones:

The value of the SD card and case is nil, but it might be an incentive for someone to buy.