Nikon SLR Cameras

Hooking a Digital slr up to a MacPro?


I never ever had a digital slr before so I have no idea what I'm doing.
How do you hook up a digital slr from Nikon to a Mac Pro?
I don't know if it comes with chords or anything, I haven't received it yet, I'm just wondering.

Basically, can you give me an overview on what I should do, and what to expect?
I ordered the D3X from Nikon, and I have a MacBook Pro.

and is there anything I need to know for photoshop? I'm definitely new at this as you can tell.

Please help, it would be very, very much appreciated.


You have never handled a DSLR and you got the Nikon D3x…

the D3x is a pro camera. I don't even know where to begin on how wrong it is. Return it, get a simper DSLR camera and buy new lenses that is what I suggest. If you have no idea what you are doing you can expect your pictures to come out bad. As for the hooking up, get a card reader.

just… Wow