Help choosing a good camera for photography?

I wanted to get into photography and would like to know what's the best camera to start with. Someone told me a good DSLR camera is the D300 with a long lens. Any advice?

I would suggest getting a camera with a crop sensor, like a Canon Rebel to start with. They are more affordable than full-size sensor cameras but you can still use any EF lenses on them.

"Someone told me" - are they a photographer that knows what they are talking about? The D300 is a 10 year old camera now. Would you buy a 10 year old car or computer and expect it to work flawlessly? I think you need to do some research for yourself and not rely on "someone".

1) what do you want to spend?
2) what do you want to take photos of?
3) is this a casual hobby?
4) what's the budget?
These days most cameras/lenses are good but better cameras/lenses are good over a wider range of exposures (mainly aperture and lens optics related) and have more bells and whistles.
Note that the camera may also need additional batteries, memory cards, a tripod, an external flash and a bag.
Photography isn't cheap.

I say any dSLR with a short lens.

I'd go for an entry level camera with a 18-55mm kit lens to start with.