Help Choosing the Best Lens for Product Photography?

Dear All,
By next two days I have to buy a lens for taking photos of below products. I'm gonna use these photos for website and printing.
Kindly could you please let me know what is the best choice is for a Nikon D80.
Budget: about 450 USD.

These items appear to be relatively small. Small enough to be put into a photo tent which eliminate shadows and the amount of Photoshop work later. Be sure to take a test shot with either a Color Checker Passport or a just a gray card in the shot. Do this to ensure correct color accuracy and white balance. The Color Checker not only gets the white balance perfect, but it will adjust the camera so that it produces accurate colors throughout its color gamut. It's truly a must have tool for product photography.

If you have either a 18-55 mm or 24-85 mm lens, then you have what you need.
What you need is a lighting system; at light tent and enough lamps to give even lighting of the whole product.
Light tents usually come with a white and black sweep (background).
Here is a link to one company that sells those tents.