Nikon SLR Cameras

Fisheye Lens For Nikon? - 1


I want a cheap non vignetting fisheye, I found one by rokinon for about 280$ which so far is the cheapest and that's a decent Price for this type of lens. Just wondering if you know of any other lenses and don't say the Nikon 10.5 mm cuz that's way to expensive for me 300 and lower

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

No, that 8mm f3.5 lens, which is sold under various names, is about the cheapest you'll find new.


Here is a review for that lens that you probably had in mind, it's sold under names such as Samyang, Bower, Rokinon or Walimex.

It's surprisingly favorable, expecially considering the price of the lens.