Nikon SLR Cameras

Film type for Nikon M2000?

Sid 6.7
Sid 6.7

I'd like to find out what type of film is needed for an old Nikon M2000. I don't know much about cameras like these and you was wondering if it's possible to still be able to purchase the film for this old camera. A link will be much appreciated.


35 millimeter?
take to store and ask

Persona Gratis
Persona Gratis

Any 35mm will fit. Film is still readily available just about anywhere. You will want a new set of batteries for the exposure meter.

Its Me
Its Me

It probably takes 35mm film. There aren't specific films for every type of camera, they usually take 35mm, colour or black and white, whatever you choose. Take a look at the manual, it should tell you if it's a 35mm camera.

Your best bet if you want to be absolutely sure would be to take it to a shop and ask them, but as film is only a few pounds a roll it wouldnt hurt just to buy some and see if it works either.

you can still get film in most places, camera shops, even ones like jessops which specialize in digital photography will sell and process photographic film. You can also get film in most supermarkets.

if you want to buy it online you can get it from are a few places<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar - £1.99 - £2, or.r_gc.r_pw., cf.osb&biw=1152&bih=552&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=4604617546773387543&sa=X&ei=cruJTr3gAYOaOrmBgdUB&ved=0CKQBEPMCMAU4lgE - £2

or from places like jessops, or.r_gc.r_pw., cf.osb&biw=1152&bih=552&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=12160261720770038974&sa=X&ei=CryJTrG4PMzpOd_3hNUB&ved=0CH8Q8wIwAA from £5

the exposures are how many photos you can take, usually 24 or 36
the ISO is the film speed unless you want to get serious and picky you don't need to worry about it and I don't remember which way round it is but its basically for photographing in light or dark places, for example you would use a low ISO for bright sunlight and a high one for something indoors with not a lot of lighting (it might be the other way round like I said I don't remember lol)

happy photographing!