Nikon SLR Cameras

Entry level camera for a noobie?


I'm studying to be a graphic designer and am looking for a camera that can take high quality pictures that I can use for reference images. Now, I'm not a camera buff, I don't know anything about cameras or how they really work.So, I was looking for a camera under $500 that is a good entry level noobie friendly camera, that would allow me to get to know and learn the features available to cameras.

I saw a recertified nikon 3000 for $350 I believe, is that a good entry level camera? And would getting recertified be a good money saver?

Jim A
Jim A

"re-certified" is refurbished. Yes it would be as long as you can verify that it was refurbished by the camera maker. Understand if it's the D3000 it's a dslr and will take some time to learn to operate it properly.


Hey your budget is enough for a entry level camera… Firstly there are three types of camera,
1.simple point and shoot.
2.Bridge camera.
3.dSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera.

A dSLR camera is best of these three and you will get it in your budget. But the thing is a dSLR camera is not so easy to use. You said that you r novice so you can't (probably coz u r not familier) handle this cam.

you have a choice that is a BRIDGE cam. Its a camera with a dSLR body but a smaller sensor. This is easy to use, many auto modes, also manual controlls, high zooming lenses, cmos sensor (some of them), and a great performance…

Here is some high-end bridge cam. SX30 IS SX20 IS (probably u r not getting this coz its out of stock)
3.fujifilm HS20
4.fujifilm HS10

u r wondering why nikon is not in this list. Yeah there's a good cam NIKON coolpix p500. But nikon is not so good in this type of cam.

My suggestion is goes to canon SX20 IS a high powerful cam with CMOS sensor. You can go for it with out any hesitation. It costs $450 usd almost… So go for it. Fuji hs20 would also be a good choice.

Hope it would help… Thanks… Happy to help always…


If you want to buy a Cheap dslr go on, someone had listed the d3000 fr 200$ and the d3100 for 325 $ ( both with the 18-55 vr lens). The d3100 is really a good camera if you will be using the cameras in auto mode then these two cameras will be the best for you. Also Bnh and amazon give you the option to buy a warranty even for a second hand camera so you can buy a used dslr and then buy an extended warranty with it and it will fit your budget