Yearbook photography tips?

I'm working on yearbook this year for my highschool, for the first time. My group is working on a page to do with teachers in the school. Quotes and asking questions and just making it interesting.
I have a Nikon D5000, which I'm pretty proud of.
I haven't had it for long. And so far I've just used it to do neat still shots or macro or pictures with friends.
I'm assigned to the photography for our page, and I have NO idea how to go about it. I like to make my photography stand out, but I'm not sure what kind of pictures to take to make it both fit the theme for our page and still catch peoples eye. Any ideas?

Maybe pictures with the background around the person blurry. Or color pop if the teachers wear something colorful.

How about a group photo - casual photo, like this
p.s. Shoot it in RAW mode.

Whatever you do, don't just take pictures of the teachers standing in front of the wall or some lockers or something like that… Thats BORING! And people don't want to look at boring photos! I mean, they paid, what, $50-100 for their yearbook, it needs to be fun to look at!
Are you taking group photos or individual? Experminet with different angles (you could stand at the top of the stairs and look down on them, something like that), make them dress up (math teachers could dress like nerds and carry around their calculators or something… Many math teachers have corny t shirts like I heart pi or soemthing lame like that; maybe the pe teachers will be playing a game or dodgeball), experiment with selective black and white to make things pop out, take them to a cool location on the school campus for a neat backdrop, maybe even try asking them if they have any cool ideas ahead of time and planning from there.
Also, try and come up with some cool interview questions for the page (if your avdisor will let you) because no one will even want to read it if they're lame!