Photography tips and advice please?

Well I didn't get approve for financial aid at school. So I can't go back to school to study photography. So can anyone please help me out. Please give tips, recommend any books, etc. I will just have to do it on my own.
O also I have already this book: Langford's Starting Photography.
And my camera is: Nikon D7000

The moment it clicks by Joe McNally
Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson
Digital Photography 1 through 4 by Scott Kelby
Join a good photography forum and browse the tutorials available

Join groups and forums. Take a bunch of photos, post your best shots, get feedback, then heed the advice of the other photographers. That's the best way to get better at photography.

Don't fret about it. If I'm not mistaken, Ansel Adams never went to any photography school or took any courses. You CAN teach yourself very, very well. It is not "rocket science". Along with the great books listed by HisWife, here is another than can be of immense help to you:

Good tutorials are around all over the web some are free to look at, this site among others will replace any photo school look and learn it's all for free. I have been very successful over the years and I've never been to a photo school, in fact I'm certain that practical work is a better teaching medium.

Your camera is my dream camera.
Be persevere in searching for books that could satisfy you. I can recommend a few books but it would also cost a bit. You can also gather important tips from this website.
I suggest you extend your knowledge by learning other types of photography like street, fashion, macro, bokeh, landscape, HDR and many more.
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