Would a nikon D5100 be good for a yearbook?

Would a nikon D5100 be good for general yearbook photography or does anyone have something better

It would be excellent.
All you have to do is learn how to use it.
If you have an understanding of the fundamentals of photography, you will be just fine.
You could shoot those photos using an old Nikon D100 and still get good results.
Sample from an old D100
How your images turnout has all to do with your skills NOT the camera you use.

I don't follow Nikon products, but if you are thinking a beginner's DSLR, that would be fine. In my yearbook days a 80mm or 90mm was best for in classroom photography. I would prefer the separate lens in addition to the zoom lens that comes with the camera as a separate 85/90mm would be "faster" (light gathering ability) for available light work.

Yes! Or the Nikon D300 is also awesome.

Better than good. With the right lens, you can do just about anything with it.

Yes it would be great, but then again any DSLR would be, even the cheaper ones like the Nikon D3100. Both can be used for anything and final results mainly depend on your skills and lenses so make sure to learn!
Here's a DSLR Buying Guide - http://www.smashingcamera.com/which-dslr-camera-to-buy/
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