Why won't my camera pop up on my computer when i plug it in?

I have a nikon d3000 and when i gop to plug it into the usb port a little thing comes up in the corner saying installing driver device software or something like that, and then a few seconds later, everytime, it says installation failed, contact manufacturer of device or something. Why won't it come up? I can put my memory card in the side of my computer but i still want to know how to get the usb way to work.

You need to install the software that came with the camera. Be certain to follow the directions.

You need to install Nikon Transfer first.
Page 105 in the user manual:
Nikon Transfer:
- Why won't my Nikon D90 Pop up flash button work?
- Why won't the built in flash on my Nikon D3100 pop up?
- If I plug my Nikon D5000 into my computer, will it charge the battery?
- Why won't my computer recognize my camera?
- Why won't my nikon camera re-upload the photos that got deleted off of my computer?