Nikon SLR Cameras

Which of these camera's are the best?


I'm looking for a Digital SLR and have been looking at these in particular. Which one would be the best to buy. And also, what is good or bad about each one?

Canon EOS 1000D
Canon EOS 350D
Nikon D3000
Sony Alpha A290L
Sony Alpha A230L

Night Rider
Night Rider

I would suggest one of the Canon's. I have a Canon, and it works quite well.


You're likely to get a lot of fan-boy answers to a question like this. Everybody who has brand loyalty will recommend their favorite. All of the cameras that you list are excellent and will produce outstanding photographs in the hands of an experienced photographer. So go into a camera store and handle them all. Pick the one that feels best in your hand and which has controls and menus that are less confusing to you.

By the way, I'm a Canon shooter. But the other brands are every bit as excellent.

Martin Spooner
Martin Spooner

The Canon 1000D is actually a little bit of a stinker. But the Canon 350D is exceptional, but only available second hand now obviously.

Buy a Canon 350D.