Nikon SLR Cameras

Which lens is better for shooting video? 35mm or 40mm?


I have a Nikon D3100 and want to know which lens is better for shooting video: 35mm or 40mm?
Is one better than the other or are they about the same when used for this purpose? Also which lens would you all say has better auto-focus? Please respond and thanks.


If you plan on getting "selective focus" effects, then that requires a lens in the range of 50mm to 100mm.

Bonnie L
Bonnie L

The rule i usually go by is the bigger the number zoom in the smaller zoom out… As in 35 or 40… I would use the 40 for focus it also will give you a wider range. Have fun! Cameras are great fun!


Nikon 40mm f/2.8G AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR Lens is a great compact and light weight lens to bring on a walk-about when paired with the light weight Nikon D3100 and a great affordable upgrade for D3000/D60/D40x/D40 series of Nikon DSLR camera bodies.