Which camera should I upgrade from my old NIkon D5100?

Which camera should I upgrade from my old NIkon D5100? - 1

Olympus OM EM-10

If your D5100 is working, you don't need an upgrade.

There's no other camera that will give a significant increase in photo quality, especially for the money you'll have to spend. If you were a professional, you would be looking for features and characteristics that would make your camera more durable and improve your work flow, but I suspect this is not the case here. Something like the new D5500 would add some features, such as Wi-Fi, but is not a significantly better camera than the D5100.

The game changing Nikon APS-C sensored camera right now is the Nikon D500 if you are into shooting sports, action or wildlife.
Yes, use your D5100 to hone your skills and in the mean time, save your pennies for the Nikon D500 (around $2,000) The D500 is a robust camera designed to be used by working pros, so it has exceptional sensor performance as well as all the features a pro needs in such a camera.

The next step up is the D7x00 series but you would only feel a significant upgrade if you went with at least a D6x0 series.

Andrew is right, if it's not broke, it doesn't need fixing…

Nikon D500 or Canon 80D or Nikon D7200

Without knowing why or how the D5100 is not meeting your current needs, it's not possible to make any good recommendations. At 5-years-old, the D5100 is relatively old, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you need to upgrade. If the camera is not allowing you to capture the shot the way you want to capture it, then you should upgrade the body. Otherwise, you should instead consider an upgrade in your lenses.

Go to cameta.com and find a real cool priced NIKON DSLR