Which camera should I choose? - 1

I'm moving across the states and I wanted to get a DSLR for the trip. I was going to buy the Nikon D5100, but I'm not sure if I'll be "ready" to take photos on this important trip. So should I wait to buy the camera? The point and shoot I have is really good, and this would be my first DSLR camera. The camera is only on sale until Sunday, so I need to decide.

That is good thinking! You should never buy a new camera just before an important event.
Here is a possibility.
Buy the D5100 and use it on full automatic on the trip while you get used to it. I can hear the sharp intake of breath from the diehards on here already:-). Keep out of M, P, A, T modes until you have time to experiment and practice.
Don't scrap your P&S - if it is small enough take that as well to take backup shots.

A camera like D5100 is expensive enough to be purchased over the moment you need it.
More than this, is not a good idea to buy a D5100 and use it in Auto mode…
My advice is, do your next trip with your point-and-shot -- that you said is good -- and after the trip you will have time to buy D5100, read the users manual (and the reference manual), and star using it making a lot of experiences. After this, you are ready to use your D5100 on every important moments, and take nice pictures.
(I have a D5100, purchased this week after months of think about and outside any important moment to take good pictures).
Of course you can buy the D5100 until Sunday, take it to the trip… Read the users manual as rapidly as you can and use the camera in Auto mode… Even making a lot of experiences with the risk of loosing good pictures…

Go for it dude you will later regret not buying it