Nikon SLR Cameras

What would be the best settings for taking pictures in Boston?


This thursday I'm taking a trip to Boston, MA and would like to know what would be the best settings for my dSLR. I shoot with a nikon d3100 with a nikkor 55-200mm lens and a 18-55mm lens, no other attachments, what shutter speed and f stop should I do during the day in the city, generally speaking, to get cool temperature, artsy shots? And at night? I'm bringing a tripod? What settings then?


The harbor.

Lord Voldemort
Lord Voldemort

I agree with soup guy

Johnny Martyr
Johnny Martyr

Or Circa94. The best settings for taking pictures in Boston are not the same settings to use in New York or Los Angeles, those cites are much brighter. You want to set your camera to Philadelphia if it does not have a Boston setting, these are much darker cities.

Okay, just kidding! Now, let's get to the serious answer…

Use your light meter and your education about photography to tell you what settings to use! Without knowing what you're shooting or what the light is like at that particular moment or what you want the photos to look like (artsy can mean anything) there's no way anyone can accurately tell you what your settings should be. You also didn't mention the maximum aperture of your lenses which is part of their proper name. In short, we can't tell you the settings for Boston. You have to learn to think for yourself.

You forgot to buy the most crucial piece of equipment when you were out at the camera store buying lenses and tripods, a Basic Photography Guide. Buy one of those and read it, along with your users manual, on your way to Boston.