Nikon SLR Cameras

What Nikon should I move up to?


I currently have a Nikon D40 and I have had it for 3 years. I'm 17 years old and I'm very passionate about my photography. I leave school soon to study at college - visual communications and photography. But anyway my question is what camera should I possibly consider to move up to? I don't have a specific genre of photographs which I take - I take a large variety of photographs.

I want to stay in the Nikon range, I was hoping for some advice.

The reason which I'm asking in advance is because I want to have a guideline of how much to save up.


While the D40 is still a viable camera, moving up to a more advanced camera like the D7000 or the fine D90 that was recently replaced by the D7000 might be the best choice.

Buying another entry level camera isn't really "moving up"


Nikon D90, buddy. I switched from D60 to D90 recently… I'm glad with the new one… Unless you are willing to spend huge sums for a D3 or so, the best option is D90.


Fhotoace is right, moving up to the D7000 would be the better choice. It is the replacement to the D90 which is still a very decent camera but the D7000 does have more advancements over it. Especially since you are going to go college for visual comms and photography you would want something you can grow with and learn. Also price-wise, you would be getting a lot more for the extra few hundred dollars for it. I upgraded a few months ago from the D80 and I'm so glad with the choice of going with the D7000. At first, I was looking at the D90 but when announced the D7000 and what I read about it, I waited for it. Whatever lenses you have for your D40 would also work with the D7000.So actually you could just buy the body and from there as time goes on, purchase the lens that you will need.

As for price, some say go with local dealer or best buy, along those lines. But if you know what you want, better prices can be found online. For you just pay for the item and at times they have sales/rebates and at times offer free shipping. One of the best places to shop online for camera equipment is B&H Photo Video.
There are few other good sites but B&H is well known.

Dmitri Baryshnikov
Dmitri Baryshnikov

I went with the Nikon D700. Great cam and easy to get used to if you know what your doing. Just like the D40 the pixels are spread out more giving you great light sensitivity and low noise and decent FPS when you hook up and external battery.