What is the merely translucent dried red liquid in my camera lense?
I believe it might be leaks from being in the sun. They re near the screws in the lense of my Nikon D5100.
And how do I get rid of it?*
On the screws? Factory seals. They should stay intact in case you need warranty later.
Threadlock fluid. Keeps the screws from coming loose on their own. Supposed to be there.
Don't try to get rid of it!
It is Supposed to be there.
Leave It Alone.
If you mean the red reflections you see when you look at the surface of your lens then that is a scientifically designed "coating" which helps the image quality by much reducing lens flare. It is not actually a "dried liquid" - it does not make your pictures red.
If you have spilled red ink or similar on your lens, then that is indeed a cause for concern, but I think that is not what you are asking about.
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