What is the difference between Nikon D3000 and D90?

What is the difference between Nikon D3000 and D90?


The D3000 is the straight out most beginner Nikon DSLR on the current market, the D90 was last generation, but it is more on the verge of beginner/intermediate, not just beginner. The D3000 is something you can use right away, and the D90 is something that you might have to grow into, should you not have had any former photography training.
you can compare the D3000 to the D7000 as the D7000 basically replaced the D90 in the lineup

The D3000 is Nikon's entry level DSLR. It has a beginner friendly UI and Mode Dial.
The D90 is a mid range- semi pro DSLR.
The new D7000 just replaced the D90 in the lineup, but nikon will continue to sell the D90 for a while.
D3000, D5000, D90, D7000, D300s, D700, D3x, D3s. << nikons current lineup.

Dr. Iblis is right
If you follow the two links, you can make the comparison and see for yourself
For just $150 more than the D3000, you can have the latest and greatest entry level D3100.

If you have to ask and you can't be bothered to use the side by side comparison tool on dpreview the D90 is too much camera for you

The D3000 has no AF motor, no Live View, no Video, is smaller and lighter and has 2 less megapixels and lower ISO range. It is also much more cheaper.
Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price, quality and which one to buy - http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2009/03/which-dslr-to-buy.html
Good luck! The site has many tutorials, tips reviews and guides!

One is a Entry level DSLR Camera and Nikon D90 is a semi-prof level Camera
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