Nikon SLR Cameras

What is f stop on a camera? How do I change it?


What is f stop on a camera?
How do I change the F-Stop on my camera, i'm using D90 with nikkor 55-300 mm VR lens.
regarding this lens,
It says, Maximum aperture f/4.5-5.6
Minimum aperture f/22-29 Can you please explain this to me what that means?


I'm pretty sure it has to do with the focus, if that helps at all. The front of the lens should let you turn it to adjust your focal point, f-Stop might mean it is on autofocus? I don't know about your camera, but my lens has a switch to turn off my autofocus. Note that I'm still new to this, I just wanted to add something.

Miss Lolly
Miss Lolly

Aperature refers to the diaphragm that opens, allowing light to hit the sensor. A small aperature (like 22-29) means that the aperature is barely open, thus reducing the amount of light coming into the sensor. A large aperature (in this case 4.5-5.6) means that the aperature is wide open. It's kind of confusing to think that large numbers = small aperature, but it's because it's talking about the size of the sensor opening.

F-stop is the method of measuring aperature. So with regards to your camera, the maximum aperature refers to the widest your aperature will open… In this case it's f/4.5

To change the f-stop go to manual or aperature priority mode (we'll go with aperature priority, so flip the turn dial to "A"). Now, how your camera works button-wise is a question for your camera manual. But usually there's a wheel that allows you to change the aperature wider or narrower. Read through your camera manual on how to change aperature.


An "f stop" is the aperture of the lens diaphragm.

A bigger aperture allow more light. A smaller aperture a reduce the amount of light.

Now, here's were the confusion comes for begging: a big f-number means an small aperture; and a small f-number means a big aperture.f/4.5 is a bigger aperture than f/29.
Why? Because the f-number is calculated using a mathematical formula, so that's the way it is.

F-stops are important in controlling the depth-of-field and sharpness of the image.

How to change it: you can either set the camera in "manual mode" (M), or "aperture priority" (A), then you can set the aperture (f-number) to whatever you need using the rotating dial. (read the D90 manual for more details; you can also get it online if you don't have it)

Note: f/4.5-5.6 means that the maximum aperture is either f/4.5 or f/5.6 depending on the focal lens (zoom).So for example at 55mm, you maximum aperture will be f/4.5, but at 300mm it would be f/5.6. The same goes for the minimum aperture of f/22-29, it changes as you change the focal length (zoom.)

Read below to learn more


Well, i'm new to photography but i have self taught myself the theory.

F-stop effects the level of focus, for example, a high F stop/Aperture of say 3 or 4 creates a lot of Bokeh (circular looking blur) in the background and allows the subject/focal point in complete focus.

A lower F-stop of around 6-11 has a wider range of focus and makes it difficult to get bokeh (virtually impossible).

As for changing the aperture on your camera, you may have to look into your user manual but for my Nikon D3100, i simply use hold a button and use a scroll button to reduce/increase it. All camera's are different.


Inside your lens is a diaphragm that consists of a number of movable blades. As the blades move they either open up (get larger) or close down (get smaller). The size of this opening is called the f-stop or aperture. Its an inverse relationship so a small number indicates a large opening while a large number indicates a small opening.

Your 55-300mm f4.5-5.6 lens is a variable aperture zoom lens. At 55mm its largest aperture is f4.5 and you can stop (close) it down to f22.So at f4.5 the opening is very large and at f22 its very small. At 300mm the largest aperture is f5.6 and you can stop (close) it down to f29. At f5.6 the opening is smaller than it was at f4.5.

The size of the f-stop determines how much light is admitted by the lens. At f4.5 or f5.6 all available light is admitted while at f22 or f29 very little light is admitted.

You select an f-stop from your camera body. Your Owner's Manual will explain this.

Here is a review of your lens:

Forlorn Hope
Forlorn Hope

Change it how?

there's aperture priority and manual setting (where you can set the shutter speed and aperture separately)

but you can't go above the largest aperture or below the smallest aperture for the lens you have…