Nikon SLR Cameras

What is an inexpensive camera?


I've recently posted a question about which is a better camera between the Nikon L120 and the Nikon D40 because I need a new camera. But now that I have done my research about a lot of products/camera I'm realizing that I shouldn't spend too much money on it.

I'm just a beginner, but want to take NICE, HIGH QUALITY photos with my new camera when I get one. I also love to cook so when I cook I want a camera that can get a good quality shot that is pretty detailed and makes it look almost real. The same goes for when I want to take photos for fashion. Fashion photography would also be nice and I need a camera that can just keep shooting over and over again and keep up with me all the time. I need the photos to come out good.

Lastly, I just want a camera that's good for regular use too. Like everyday photos and has the option to take movies as well. I just want an inexpensive camera but is a little better than most.

If you can help me out with that, I would really appreciate it! Feel free to leave your suggestions and opinions on what camera I should use or what I should do.


What about the Olympus E-Pl1? It's going for under $300 on Amazon for the kit with lens, which is less than you'd pay for many bridge cameras out there. The short flange length on mirrorless cameras means they are well suited to lens adapters, so you could have some fun thrift store hopping for cheap old lenses to use on it and experiment with. The ones that aren't used by modern cameras sell for peanuts - Canon FD and Minolta Rokkors are nice manual focus lenses to play with on a mirrorless.


An inexpensive camera would be those that are $300 and under. While it is open to a lot of subjectivity, photos produced by these cameras could be considered "decent", but not "high-quality".

Realize that the Nikon L120 is an entry level camera (all "L" cameras are), and as such, lack many of the features that those looking to learn photography would want. It is a basic point & shoot, for those not wanting to know anything about photography.

If you are looking for the best Nikon compact cameras, look for the "P" series, not the "L" series. Nikon's P series cameras are their high-end compacts, with the P7100 being the best of those.


What's your budget? The NIkon D3100 is a really nice camera if you are in the $550-$600 range.