What are some Nice entry level Dslrs?

I'm looking for an upgrade from my point and shoot, a Panasonic lumix dmc-ts3. I'm going on vacation in April and want to bring home nice photos. I just do general photography nothing too serious. I'm kinda on a budget so the cheaper the better, i have been looking at the Nikon D3200, any thoughts?

Nikon D3100
Nikon D3200
Canon T3
Canon T3i
You might check out Website dpreview.com for any reviews of these cameras.

Pentax K 30 is the best in its price range.
The Nikon is ok, but it's just more of Nikon doing the same old thing.add more pixels nobody was asking for, maybe a feature or two, totally boring.
Look at Sony's A57 as well.

Thoughts? Do you know how to use a dSLR? A couple of months may not be enough to put you to comfortable and confident level in photography. I advise you to stick it out with your Lumix instead especially if you don't find anything wrong with it. Lumix cameras have exceptional lenses passing Leica standards so all you need then is a fair amount of light to capture fabulous pictures. The money you save can be used to add a few days more to wherever you're going.

If the Pentax K-30 is a bit steep, look at their K-r.
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