How much should I charge to photograph a wedding?

I have been doing photography for about a year now and my first wedding deal may be coming soon.a friend of mine is getting married and he wants me to be the photographer. I have a NIKON d7000 with 18 - 105 lens and I will be getting a 50mm f1.8g lens soon. What should I charge?

What is your backup camera? It would be pretty irresponsible for you to try to photograph a wedding with a single camera.
For your first time, somewhere in the $1, 000 to $2, 000 range would be a fair price assuming you have the ability to photograph the wedding competently.

Do your first few weddings free, unless you have already been a second shooter at about a dozen weddings.
After about your seventh wedding as second shooter, compare your images with ones you aspire to online.
How's does your drama, impact story telling, technical expertise, lighting and posing compare.
Then set your fees accordingly, between $25 and $300 per hour.

As you are fairly new to photography I would keep your costs down as low as possible so you can build your portfolio.
A photographer with just one wedding under their belt won't get much response from people who are not friends/family.
A photographer with 5+ weddings in their portfolio will get much more interest.
So I would say £250
Say the wedding lasts from 11am til 12 midnight. Thats 13 hours. £10 x 13 = £130 for your time
And then the other £120 is for retouching/prints.
Especially as they are a friend, keep the costs down for them.

I agree with Eliot K. Change nothing. #1) You have zero experience in doing a wedding and #2) this is your friend and #3) you are the one who will have more to gain from this experience. You can advertise from it, which will create more business for you.

If it is a friend you could do it for free and tell them that is your wedding gift to them. I would do it for free (as their wedding gift) and to gain some professional experience. I would ask them permission to show their photos to potential customers so that you can use them as a reference and show the quality of your work.
When you start out I would suggest charging 500 to 1, 000 dollars and let the client know that you are offering a low price because you are new to wedding photography. Most photographers charge 2, 000 or more depending on what package the client wants. You offer different packages/ photo books.
For example: Option 1
- 30 photos or pages in a book with their name and date printed on the book. They pick the photos to be used and the sizes they want. They get a DVD copy of those 30 photos to use as they wish
Option 2
- 50 photos/pages of their choice in a book with date and name printed on book. They also get a DVD of those photos
Option 3
-75 photos/pages of their choice in a book with their name and date printed on the cover. They get a DVD of those photos.
- 2 small photo books of 25 pages/photos of their choice that they can give to the parents of the groom and bride.