Underwater housing for Nikon D5000?

I have a Nikon D5000 camera and looking to take this underwater. I have been looking to get an underwater camera housing, within my budget Ikelite only used to produce now they do not do any more. So will D5000 fit on an Ikelite housing made for D5100?

Normally underwater housings are custom made for a particular camera model so that everything fits and works properly and the word "custom" is why these are so expensive. For your camera will be over $1, 000.
There are several makers of custom housings on line. I'd suggest you get in touch with one of them to find out if it fits… I'd say it probably doesn't.

Underwater housings are specifically made for exact models, because the placement of the external controls have to match the button position on the camera body. You work the camera inside via the buttons/rods/springs outside on the housing.
If the D5100 is exactly the same, button position-wise as the D5000 it should work. If not, then no it won't.
PS Just a bit of advice - whenever you buy an underwater housing for your camera, always try it out in a swimming pool EMPTY first! Press all the buttons several times & check for leaks. Only when its proven to be watertight do you trust you camera to it!
Always check, regrease & reseat O ring seals as well - grit, sand hair or nicks/cuts in the O rings are the greatest cause of flooded housings.
You may be able to get a second hand Ikelite housing off eBay, but watch out for flooded cast-offs. Signs are corrosion on the hotshoe contacts.