There's nothing for me to photograph
So, it's the holidays and I'm bored, so I wanna use my Nikon D90 to take some good photos but my mum doesn't let me leave the house without her and there's nothing good to photograph at home. I don't have macro lens. I want to try high-key photography but there aren't suitable surfaces and I don't have a seamless white cloth. My mum's garden barely has any flowers, just green trees and bamboos. I'm not creative, so it's hard for me to think of things that I can photograph. Can someone just please help me?
Perhaps you need to ask your mother if she trusts you to go out with someone else…
Photograph what's in front of you. If all you have is the interior of your home, then shoot that. But find ways to connect to it. That's what people relate to when they see a good photograph. They connect to the image because you've connected to the image.
If your mother is a driving force in your life, shoot her. Explore your relationship with her through the camera lens.
Don't let yourself get frustrated because you can't shoot what you think you should be shooting. Shoot what you know. Let your inhibitions go, and don't think too hard. Just start shooting. There's a maxim that states that you'll need to take about 10, 000 photos (or drawings or anything) before you start getting good ones. Might as well get them out of the way as fast as possible.
If I were you I would sell the camera.
If you can't find anything to take images of then you are not a photographer.
In your back yard you have Trees, Bamboo, Birds Insects, walls fences your house the sky, With a Nikon D90 and the kit lens that came with it (I have one) There's so many things to photograph just in a small back yard. Look at the branches of the trees, see how the bamboo stalks cross themselves. Try close up, try far away using the zoom. Try the Black and White setting. Take all the pictures again. Learn to use the Settings other than Auto.
Look in the mirror take pictures of your self. Use a hand mirror and take other pictures using it.
Use a white or red sheet as a backdrop. Look out the window and photograph what's out side.
The camera is a tool Your imagination is what makes the picture.
Much a to do about nuthin?
Do this.
Before or several hours after eating, when you are not lazy. And your brain kicks it for something to do…
clear your mind about all this negative (pun intended) film, digital picture taking stuff. Remove every trace. And get competitive. I mean really visual. Even if you do not really have a clue.
Remember every thing you have ever seen, every angle, motion, color, design, emotion, theme, picture story, movie and all the best scenes.
Everything cool.
Grab your camera and take pics. And yes. Even in the house. And every place you are dragged to or insist upon going to… The insist upon going to will become second nature as your mum sees the work you do… Pics you take, images you produce.
Photography is like growing up to see and take pics and improving on ones you or someone else took. Only it is not really growing up although you will grow up anyway. It is training your mind's eye to see images and stories from everything around you.
Like your house and your mum. Betcha in all your boredom you did not have a sense of mission, of telling a story with pics and a few words (called photo captions… That is telling the who, why, what, where and when of the pic).
So here is your photo assignment. Photograph what you can this holiday season. Start with home and mum and work out from there. Some of the photos will be immediate. Meaning you just have to show them… They just have to be seen.
Those and others can be held in reserve for later. To be viewed later or used with other pics later to tell a story or just to show what life was like at the time.
Train your mind to become busy when you feel like you are becoming bored. It is just as easy as grabbing your camera and seeing and putting it on film or digital media.
And when you can, get some real photography books from the library or book store and read up on photographers, great works-photos of portrait photographers, landscape photographers, news photographers, architectural, Industrial, graphic, documentary, people photographers, sports photographers… The list goes on and on.
Photography. You'll never get bored. Honest.
You will always have something to photograph. It is a frame of mind and having some equipment and possibly some training…
It is seeing, taking a pic and showing.
Being happy with your work and improving.
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