Nikon SLR Cameras

Best outdoor colour setting (manual) for nikon D3000?


Please tell me the best manual colour setting for outdoor photoshoot. (D3000)
the shrpness, exp and else.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

Auto whitebalance.low iso.


Sharpness and exposure have nothing to do with the color setting. White balance (color) is separate. In addition, different shooting situations, even outdoors, require different white balance settings, and different exposure settings. If you want a camera that has settings for outdoors or indoors, then sell you DSLR and buy a point and shoot.


White balance settings depends on the conditions.

"Direct sunlight" for non-cloudy days.
If it's cloudy, then "cloudy" setting.

Sharpness, exposure has nothing to do with white balance. Set sharpness to something that you like. Exposure, you need to learn to use your cameras exposure meter. You also need to learn about the relationships between ISO, shutter speed, and aperture and how they affect your image. There are many online tutorials discussing basic camera settings.

Be sure to set Auto ISO off when using manual mode (page 120 in your manual).