Sports Lens for under $1500?

Thank you for all the anwser in my last question, i was able to narrow it down to a few lenses.
this is the obvious winner, but since i'm not a bank, i vant get this one
I plan on buying a D5100…
will this lens be good?:
or should i go with a sigma or tamaron?
all i want is a No Motion Blur at high speeds and distance.light and low light for sports (football, soccer, etc.)

Well, I will go for Nikon 70-200mm

While the 70-200 mm f/2.8 is an excellent lens, you also need one of the newer Nikon dSLR's that has excellent sensor performance at high ISO settings.
Shutter speeds of 1/500th second and faster will require both an aperture of f/2.8 and a camera with the ability to shoot at high ISO's with low noise when shooting sports at night or indoors.

The Nikon you linked is a fine lens. It is the VR I version of the current $2, 400 lens.
I would not go with the Sigma if you can afford the Nikon. The VR version of the Sigma is really not a lot much different in price. For the $100 or $200 difference, the Nikon will offer better optics, faster focusing, and better resale.
The non VR Sigma is $900 or so.
I would not even consider the Tamron.

I ordered Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II AF-S Nikkor Zoom Lens on Friday afternoon, April 2nd, 2010 and received it yesterday, April 3rd, before 12 noon, just in time to take it to the Angels-Dodgers game at Dodger Stadium. Got some great images even though most of them were behind the protective foul ball screen and I will post a couple here if possible… Up until the point my battery died because I changed cases just before leaving home and left two spare, fully charged batteries in the other one.
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