Nikon SLR Cameras

Should i use my nikon d90 to shoot a short film?


So i need to make a short film i have a camcorder but its not very good just your average camera but for my photography i have a nikon d90 so do you think i would be better off using the nikon d90. Also does anyone any tips for using it?


Use the D90. Tips: Don't zoom, hold the camera steady, get and filters so you can shoot at 1/60 of sec. (too fast a shutter speed will make your footage look strobed). Record your sound on a digital recorder with a good mic if possible. PLan out your scenes and know how you are going to cover the scenes. SHoot lots of B roll (Cutaways) so you have something to go to when you are having a hard time making an edit. Mark all of your scenes. Don't over shoot.