Nikon SLR Cameras

What equipment do I need to shoot a short film like this?


I want to shoot a very low budget short film with a jason bourne sort of story. I plan on getting the panasonic gh2 since its the best value for money. Besides that what other types of equipment do I need to shoot a film in the bourne style. What mic, tripod do you suggest? I have a carbon tripod but the head sux balls so maybe just a good head for shooting films. Also any other equipment I might need? Shoulder mount? I have a nikon adapter so I thought I could use a 35mm nikkor but due to adapter it would become more of a 50mm so any suggestions for the best lens to shoot films in this camera? Mind you this is very low budget film and actors are not paid so yeah… Thanks!


The Bourne films were shot pretty much hand held from what I recall. I say that because I personally can't watch something that is so shaky and I recall disliking the way it was shot. Rent a tripod, good heads are really expensive. You want a way to hold the camera and a shoulder mount is good for that. Zoom makes a nice recorder and mics are all over the board. Sennheiser makes unreal mics but I don't know if they have anything in your price range. As for lenses, get something wide and one medium telephoto at least. Get and filters so you can keep your shutter speed down to 1/60 at most.