Should I switch from Nikon to Cannon?

I'm planning on becoming a cinephotographer and a photographer also, and the camera that I have right now is the Nikon D80. I had my eyes set on the Nikon D7000 solely because of the video function. However, recently I have been looking into more of the Cannon bodies and their photo/video quality; I noticed that Cannon has more color and has a better blur than Nikon does. So my problem is should I switch to cannon? Will it be worth it? I have three lenses from Nikon and I really don't want to start over and buy new lenses from cannon.


I have used cannon for a couple of years now. I have never had a problem with the company. The pictures always come out great

On all reviews I have read they say cannon and nikon are equal. I'm planning on getting a Nikon. (I'm not sure which one).In my opinion I would stick with nikon… You have already put money into with the lenses and nikon is a good brand!

What you need is a photography class.
This is Canon
This was taken with a Nikon film camera
Switching from one brand to another will cost you--not only money, but each brand works differently and you will have to learn how to operate it again.

Both brands are stunning. 98% of the photo outcome is based on the photographer not the camera. Although I personally am a Canon user, I do not recommend the switch. I'm satisfied with the results from Canon but Canon and Nikon are equal. Therefore you would be throwing away a lot of money from switching systems. If a professional photographer took pictures with a Nikon system and a Canon system, it would be impossible to figure out which system produced which image.

If you want to shoot video, why don't keep the gear you have and purchase a good video camera.


There's no such thing as a Cannon camera---it's Canon. Stick with the Nikon and buy a camcorder to shoot your videos. And I agree about taking some photography classes to better learn to use your Nikon lenses.

What you can do with one, you can do with with any camera. It's you. The camera is just a tool.

Do you mean cinematographer? If so, you should get a movie camera instead. (why would anyone want to shoot a movie with a still camera? Even with movie-recording capabilities?)
Switching brands is expensive (I'm actually considering doing the opposite, going from canon to nikon, but the cost is holding me back). I don't recommend it unless there's a compelling reason (which I have).
If there are any differences in quality between canon and nikon, it was probably due to user error.
So no, I don't think it's worth it. You would have to start over, as you have said.
By the wan, it's caNon, with one "N". (not cannon).