Nikon SLR Cameras

Settings on Nikon D40 for moon pictures?


The moon is looking fantastic tonight and I would like to try and photograph it. However I have never been able to figure out some settings for my Nikon D40. I. E., aperture, white balance, exposure time, spot metering, etc. Any ideas?

Mere Mortal
Mere Mortal

Sunny Sixteen. No meter needed. The moon is a sunlit object.

At ISO 200 that would be f/16 at 1/250 second. WB set for sunlight.


Use a telephoto lens or else you won't be able to get the moon big enough in your picture. Use spot metering and place the moon in the center. ISO set to 400 or below to avoid noise. F/stop value set as low as possible. White balance can just be set at auto.