Nikon D3100 SLR Camera, taking pictures of the Sky, Moon and stars?

I Just got a Nikon D3100 25472 Digital SLR Camera - (14.2 Megapixels, 3" LCD, 18-55MM VR Lens) and Nikkor AF-S DX 55-300mm ED VR Lens. I would love to take a pictures of the night sky like the moon and stars but can't seem to make it look nice. What would eventhing have to be set on to get a nice night sky shot of the stars and moon.

You'd probably have to experiment. Old film rule was f stop at 100 and shutter speed at film ASA for moon shots.

With the camera and lenses you have, your best bet is to start with "star trails" photos. Put it on a steady tripod, set the shutter speed to 30 seconds, use a wide-angle lens (your 18-55 at 18mm), focus manually at infinity; set the ISO to 800, and the aperture to f/5.6. Fire away. The longer you expose for (you can use "B" setting, and the shutter will stay open as long as you hold it open -- but use a remote release so you don't shake the camera), the longer the star trails will be.
Your 300mm lens isn't really long enough to get a decent shot of the moon. If you want to try it anyway, use a tripod; set your ISO to 400, your aperture to f/8, and your shutter speed to 1/500th sec.
To do much more, you're going to need a telescope to shoot through, and/or a tracking mount that will match the camera's motion to the apparent motion of the stars (it's apparent because they're not moving, the earth you're on is).
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