What settings should i use tonight for the super moon?

I have a Nikon d3000. Tonight is the super moon. I have a 75-300mm lense.
I took pictures of the moon in the past i just need some starting manual settings for tonight. I Heard the moon will not be this close until 2029. What manual settings should i be set at. I want to catch all the craters.yes i do have a tripod and a remote
Iso- I heard this will have to be 100-200 due to the moon is very bright
Fstop- i also heard this should be at f8
Shutter speed- i heard this needs to be fast because of how bright the moon is
Shutter Speed

Just use your camera's light meter like you would for any other shot… It's not rocket science.

Think a minute
The same sun lights the moon as lights the earth.
That means that if you use the sunny 16 rule, you will get a good shot of the moon
1/ISO @ f/16.
Since there's NO atmosphere on the moon and the night sky on earth has little light scatter, you will probably stop down the aperture at least one half stop to a full stop so you do not over expose the moon
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