Real Nikon D3000 Recall?

I was at walmart and ready to purchase a nikon d3000 but the camera assistant said that there was a recall on the camera but when i had talked to another walmart earlier, they had said that i could still purchase the camera. Is there a true recall on this camera? If so, what for?

I don't see anything on google about any Nikon D3000 recall
actually, if you search "Nikon D3000 recall" without the quotation marks, this question of yours pops up as the 6th link.

The camera assistant (we don't know if they are really a photographer) may be thinking about a small recall of a select number of Nikon D5000 cameras when they were first introduced. By now all those cameras should have been returned to Nikon for repair.
Here is how to contact Nikon if you are worried
Nikon's Recall Hotline: (800) 645-6687

I'm not sure I would believe anything a Walmart camera clerk would tell me. Nikon's website doesn't show any D3000 recalls:
The D3000 has been discontinued, replaced by the D3100. Since this was a recent event, there's still stock available for the D3000 in some stores.
Another 6 months and you won't be able to get a D3000.
Even though it has been discontinued doesn't mean its not a good camera, but you will get a chance to perhaps find one at a closeout price.
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