Nikon SLR Cameras

Pros and cons of a sony a390 dslr?


Debating on buying the sony alpha a390 dslr, but i can't find many reviews or samples from it. Can anyone help me out? Or if there's another camera around the price of 499.99 that would be better, like the canon eos 1000d, or nikon d3000?


More pros less cons


Noise… Very noisy!

Jack F
Jack F

Well you've heard from the fanboys, now go here and have a look at the overall score for the Sensor:


The 390 looks like a dud - here's an in-depth review: The first several items on the list of cons are all very serious drawbacks.

The other two options that you mention are both excellent. As is the Pentax Kx ($490 with an 18-55mm kit lens.) You can use the same site for reviews of those cameras as well.

The Nikon and Canon offer the most options for expanding and upgrading your system over the years. The Pentax, however, probably offers the most bang for the buck if you plan on just buying the one camera and lens.

Visit a shop to try them out for a few minutes. Compare the ergonomics - the viewfinder, button layout, the grip. Maybe one will feel more comfortable than the others. Since all three of these cameras are very good, your buying decision can be based on personal preference.
added - and by editing my answer, also dropping 3 spots on the answer list.

"fanboy" and a thumbs-down seems a bit harsh.

Sony makes great sensors. Unfortunately, they don't always turn their sensors into great cameras. The Sony A900, A850, A700, and couple of their entry level models are indeed very good… The A390 isn't. That's all I'm saying.

BTW, those DXO scores are based on RAW images - not jpg, which is what most people use and where Sony takes a big hit.

Also, the sensor is just one component. A Ferrari engine in a p.o.s.body does not make a performance car. Sure, you'll go fast in a straight line but you'll also crash at the first bend in the road. Same with the Sony A390. Only less bloody ;-)