Photographing meteor shower with nikon d40?

I want to be able to get some good pictures of the meteor shower tonight, but I have no experience with my nikon d40 at all. I've only had it for a month, so I barely know anything about using it properly. Can someone explain in detailed steps how to set my camera to the proper settings?

You can.
Set the cameras ISO to 800 and take 30 second exposures throughout the meteor shower.
You will need a tripod and remote shutter release to assure that your images can later be stacked or made into an animation.
Here is a link to 63 stacked images from an earlier meteor shower. Notice that during the while time I was shooting, I only caught one meteor
.html? State=copy
You can actually just do some tests once your camera is mounted on the tripod. Start at ISO 800 @ f/5.6 or f/8 and see what you get.
Remember to get as far away from any city or village lights as you can
I drive out into the desert and use some mountains as the foreground. I think it takes about 20 minutes to get where I like to shoot eclipses and meteors.

Hope you had better luck than I did. It was completely cloudy here in north Texas.