Nikon f mount body, pentax k mount lens?

I'm looking into getting a lens adapter for a nikon d50 that was given to me. I use a manual pentax slr camera and i have quite a few lenses. I don't want to invest in new glass so can I stick with what I already have and adapt? I was also wondering if it was possible to switch out the actual ring that is connected to the camera itself, the part the lens attaches to. Any info would be appreciated.
Added (1). Yes, my knowledge is limited, i've been learning how to shoot on an old pentax k1000 which i've grown to love. The cost of film and development is killing me though. I'm not worried about any automatic function. If I can somehow get my k mount lens to work all i'm worried about is shutter speed, aperture, focus, and iso. I have a light meter, so basically all I want out of this project is a digital version of my k1000, super basic and manual. I want the instant feedback of what i'm shooting and i'm on a budget. This is just a clarification of what i'm looking to get out of this.

The lens adapter is the best way to go, that I know of.

You can certainly use an adapter, but your results will be marginal.

If it were me I would try and sell the Nikon D50 on Craig's list or eBay. Add to the amount you receive and buy an older Pentax DSLR. Then all you lenses will fit with no problems. YES you will have to spend some extra money! But is that so bad, when you consider you don't have to go out and buy new "glass" (as you put it)!
I would check with the new york dealers B&H Photo & Adorama for used DLSR bodies. Also give Pentax a call to see if any refurbished DSLR's are available and who they may have sold them (dealers) to!
I purchased a Pentax Kx just before it got discontinued 2 yrs ago and it is the cat's meow!

I'm not criticising you…
… If you have to ask this question, then your knowledge will be limited… You can buy adapters, they limit the automatic functions of the camera and make getting images more awkward… Not impossible, with some effort it can be done… Hard work though.
… I just wanted to clarify that for you, if you think you stick an adapter on a lens and everything is fine and dandy… You are very mistaken… I don't think you would like it or enjoy it much and personally don't think it is worth going to the expense…
… Much more practical to stick to lenses intended for your camera… At least until you develop an understanding of what is involved.