Nikon d70s won't accept any of my memory cards?

I have a cf adapter and 1 cf memory card i put any of them in an it says [CHA] i tried to format the memory cards but it keeps saying it. How can i fix this problem?

The CF card should work just fine.
How long have you had this camera? Is it just acting up now?
CF adapters for SD cards have never really work from what I'm told
It may be that the cards are just bad.
Go out on Amazon and buy a couple of 2 gb cards. They are not that expensive
NOTE: If this camera was recently purchased used, there may be a problem with the actual camera
Take it into a camera repair shop and see what they say

CHA means the camera can't read the card.
See if there are any bent pins on the card socket in the camera.
Also make sure the cards you are using are compatible - check the camera's manual.