Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon D50 worth it or outdated?


I've been in contact with someone who is selling a Nikon D50 set up with a 55-200mm non VR lens. His original asking price was $250 and I got him down to $150. I'm familiar with Nikon SLRs as I have been shooting with a D60 and now shoot with a D90 for the past 4-5 years.

I just want to get some feelers and opinions to see if people think this is a decent dea (assuming the camera and lens are in decent condition) l. BTW, after checking the exif data the camera has 10k actuations. I have not looked at the body or glass in person, which I'm doing tonight. Also, seller does not have a charger, manuals or original boxes. Image quality appears to be fine.

Added (1). Chargers run about $3.50 on Ebay and there would be no way to detect if this item was stolen using the exif data bc the D50 did not write serial #s to images.


Since it doesn't come with a charger, RUN - it's probably stolen.


Check ebay and those auction item sites see if you can find a better price. Craigs list. Sometimes you can swap out items. Then renegotiate your price.based on telling them what the value you found is. For example. I have a 48 Year old Aria Vintage acoustic guitar. I found the value of my guitar now was $1850.00 when AMY broke in, she vandalized the guitar and put a big gash in the front of the wood and then did something to the bridge when it came offf. They removed the IVORY guitar string turners and put on plastic substitutes and yet the DEF DEPT OR IA will not pay me back. Then this year Nabeel came in and stole my new Fender customized guitar and case I had to shop all over for to find it to fit the extra long arm of the guitar. I loved the mother of pearl on the guitar. She replaced it with a short armed model and less features and yet the DEF DEPT WON't TAKE A REPORT THAT SHE SWITCHED IT OUT. I can't find it for LESS ON EBAY Or anything and a guy named TOM i'm'd me and told me he had a NEW CUSTOMIZED FENDER AND DESCRIBED MY GUITAR. To a t.yet When i tried to make a police report, I was told I HAD TO PROVE I WAS A CRIME VICTIM FIRST. And no one WOULD TAKE THE REPORT CAUSE THEY SAID THE NATIONAL GUARD TOLD THEM NOT TOO. JEEEZ does the national guard know the value of my property Swindled? THIS IS PAM TOLL OF PARK FOREST IL USA june 11 2012


$150 is a great price for a D50. I'd buy it. You can get a charger from Amazon.

Do you have the slightest doubt in your mind that the camera's legit and not stolen? If you have any jpegs, visit the site below and upload one. It searches the web for photos taken with the same camera. I looked up my D40's previous owners with it. Pretty neat.

Edit: Well there you go, you have nothing to worry about. I actually didn't know this about the D50s EXIF tags, but it sounds like you've got it all worked out.

And the chargers are $1.50 on Amazon. But those and the $3.50 ones are cheap Chinese garbage that might explode your battery. I wouldn't recommend using anything but the Nikon. Don't cheap out on something that could burn your house down. Buy a cheap Chinese flash, sure.


Since you will be getting a chance to examine it in person, it seems likely that you will know if it is a good deal. That seems like a good price if you want it. Newer models have advantages, which is why it is surplus to the seller, and might wind up being surplus to you, but the D50 was still very good.