Nikon D3000 kelvin option?

Question: I was interested in learning the Kelvin system, and per many websites including the NIKON site, it shows my body, d3000has the option, but it doesn't have this option in the menu when I checked. I checked the user manual and it doesn't show it in the options. So now I'm confused as to if it really is supposed to be there or not. Hope this makes sense Haha

It's your white balance - in film cameras, it was known as, 'Colour Temperature,' and was, indeed measured in Kelvin. That's why your camera suffers in indoor lighting while you can see fairly well, the colour temperature's too low.
White balance control uses preset values to mimic various lighting situations, but a colour temperature chart shouldn't be too hard to find.

According to the manual, the D3000 doesn't have kelvin white balance setting. See page 80 in your manual. It does have a fine tune of white balance (pg 82), but that's not what you're looking for. Kelvin settings are available in the more advanced models such as the D90 and D7000.