Nikon - 10.2-Megapixel D3000 Digital SLR Camera?

I'm an amateur photographer, and was asked by a friend to be her wedding photographer.
So I've decided to buy a new camera.
Any opinions on the Nikon - 10.2-Megapixel D3000 Digital SLR Camera?

I would suggest you look at the Nikon D3100.It will give you more bang for the buck.
You will also need the 18-55 mm lens that comes with the D3100 and a AF-S 50 mm f/1.4 lens
In addition, you will need a good Nikon flash, flash diffuser and flash bracket

Yeah its a good camera

Its a basics entry level DSLR. Don't expect to get wedding shots like a pro unless you know about composition, exposure & lighting & how to 'drive' a camera in manual.
You may also need a couple of fast lenses - the kit lens won't do indoors if flash isn't allowed.
Do be aware that you do not have enough kit/knowledge to shoot a wedding and get other than snapshots - if that's all your friend wants, then fine.
My wedding kit;
- two DSLR's (one as a backup)
- 50mm f1.8, 85mm f1.8 & 24-70mm f2.8 lenses
- at least two speedlights, modifiers & triggers
- reflector
- plenty of spare memory cards & batteries
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