Nikon SLR Cameras

My Nikon d3100 camera (Only about 2 weeks old) is acting odd. Ideas?


When I switched it on, the green indicator light turned on and the screen displayed an hourglass. After waiting 5 minutes, nothing occurred. I can't take any pictures with the camera, but I can still auto-focus on objects. When I switched the camera off, the green light stayed on until I took the battery out. Any ideas on what's going on?


First call Nikon. 800. NIKON-UX

Have you formatted the card? Did you ever format the card?

Look on page 20, 21 and 26 of your user manual

There are two times when the the memory access light turns on. When you first turn on the camera and when you are saving an image to the card.

While I have never had this happen before, my guess is that there's a problem with your cameras ability to read or write to the card or the card is not working properly

Agent Q
Agent Q

Try reformatting the card using the camera, or getting a new card.