Nikon SLR Cameras

Looking to buy my first dslr?


What cameras are best for beginners? I've been looking at the nikon d3000 and the canon rebel xs but I know there's other brands what camera would you suggest looking to only spend $520.

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I wouldn't suggest the 3000. I would suggest the 3100. But my friend uses the 3000 and she is a great photographer and is happy with it so I guess. But the D3000 is know to have a lot of flaws. The D3100 is a fixed version of the D3100. Both are great to start out as a beginner. I use the D3100 myself

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

At the moment there's some very good entry level model DSLR on the market. One of the main distinctions is high iso performace, the ability to produce clean, crisp images in low light without flash.

Olympus E-420/450. Being sold in a double zoom kit for truely incredible prices. It's high iso performance is about average. If you're looking for a good camera with excellent lenses that does it all this may be for you. From all the brands olympus has about the smallest selection of extra lenses.

Pentax K-x: Winner of a few awards. Only DSLR that runs on AA batteries which means you need to exercise some discipline in charging and handling them. Can use simple Alkaline batteries in emergencies. Won a few awards, got good reviews. Pentax' lens lineup is better than that of olympus.

Canon 1000d/Rebel XS
An entry level model dating back to 2008. Basically a 400d/Rebel Xti with some features removed in an attempt to compete with the baby nikons. Long overdue for replacement. Good lens lineup.

Canon 550d/Rebel T2i
Canon's entry level camera. Quite a capable camera but it continues the long Rebel tradition of putting a very good sensor in a plasticky body with some rather poor controls. Still offers the best video of any entry level DSLR and enough megapixels to impress all of your gullible friends

Canon 500d/Rebel T1i
If you're not interested in video you can buy this instead of the 550/T2i and save yourself a few bucks

Nikon D3000
Critized by many for reusing the old D40x/D60 sensor which means mediocre high iso performance. Despite that it's still a lot of camera on other points. Controls and handling are generally perceived to be better than Canon's xxxd/Rebel series. Only takes nikon AF-S, Sigma HSM or Tamron BiM lenses for autofocus.

Nikon D3100
Fixes everything that was wrong with the D3000 and then some! Most impressive entry level DSLR released this year. Truely impressive high iso performance. Comes extremely close to beating the 550d/Rebel T2i on video but it's more affordable. Nice built-in guide mode to help handhold the beginner who doesn't want to read the manual. Only takes nikon AF-S, Sigma HSM or Tamron BiM lenses for autofocus.

What else to buy?
Unless you have any real specific purposes in mind I'd advice you to start with a single lens and gain some experience before buying more. Do buy a memory card, a lens pen or microfiber cloth, a rocket blower and some sort of protective bag.