So I just purchased my nikon D3200 and I want to know how I can use the light painting function on it, but I have no clue on what options I should have it.
I tried putting the shutter speed at 30 and the aperture at 8, but it failed.
If you know, please help!

You tried one thing (or two depending on how you count) and gave up?
Start with the camera's reference manual.
For "light painting", it needs to be dark. The light source being used to paint with should be fairly bright. You'll need to experiment a little… The camera should be on a tripod or some other steadying device. Not handheld.
Since we can't see what you see and we don't know what result you got that "failed" it is impossible for us to provide you more specific help.
Right now, we're at the equivalent of you telling us your car is not working… And we don't if it has no gas, the battery is dead or you don't have the key…

If it's dark enough for light painting, there can be a problem getting it to autofocus. If you are standing behind the camera and tripod and someone else is the subject, you can try using a strong flashlight to illuminate your subject to look in focus as the self timer starts.
If you will be the subject, you can stand where you will expect to be and use flashlight to lock in focus on the tripod. Then switch to manual focus, being careful not to disturb the focus or zoom setting as you place the camera back on the tripod. Then hit the shutter button to start the self timer and get into position for your photograph.
Or, you can use the infrared remote with the flashlight pointed at yourself to help the camera acquire focus. Set you autofocus to automatically search for a suitable focus zone. You will only have 2 seconds of timer in which to turn off your flashlight.

Light painting is NOT a function of a camera, but a photographic technique which can be accomplished by ANY fully adjustable camera.
Do this.
Go on YouTube a search for tutorials that will show you how to use this and other photographic techniques. Light and star trails, light graffiti, stopping the action at sporting events and other popular techniques can all be photographed using your fine D3200.
You will need a tripod, so budget to one