Cara light painting di nikon d3000?

Gimana ya cara light painting di nikon d3000? Ada yang tau?

English… Please?

I'll answer this the best I can…
1) Get a tripod
2) Set your shutter speed from anywhere to 4-30 seconds
3) Turn your Auto Focus OFF, and manually focus your lens
4) Set a timer on your camera to reduce camera shake from you pressing the shutter button down

✰VanGorkum is right
You can also set the cameras shutter speed to bulb and using the Nikon wireless remote, lock the shutter open and take as much time as you need to paint with your light. The Nikon ML-L3 costs less than $15 and is quite useful when shooting at long shutter speeds
I guess you can use the spell checker if you like. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what people are asking if the question is indecipherable

Dapatkan tripod
Mengatur kecepatan rana Anda dari mana saja untuk 20-60 detik
Putar Anda Auto Focus OFF, dan manual fokus lensa Anda
Mengatur waktu pada kamera untuk mengurangi guncangan kamera dari Anda menekan tombol rana ke bawah